Centre de recherche et d’enseignement
des géosciences de l’environnement
Centre de recherche et d’enseignement
des géosciences de l’environnement
Spanneut Lou

Spanneut Lou



Email. : spanneut@cerege.fr
Tel. :

As a doctoral candidate and teaching fellow at Aix-Marseille University, my research focuses on the chemical analysis of archaeological materials (bones, teeth, sediments) to explore human occupations at Palaeolithic sites in southern France. I combine radiocarbon dating and Bayesian modeling to study these occupations, while also searching for biological markers in fauna, through isotopic and molecular studies. My work follows an interdisciplinary approach, with a particular interest in the development of innovative analytical methods and the miniaturization of sampling.

  • 2022-2025 – PhD candidate – contract « Inter-ED » (251 & 355) – CEREGE and LAMPEA
  • 2022 – Master’s Degree (M2), STPE, Environmental Geosciences – AMU, Aix-en-Provence
  • 2020 – Engineering Degree in Chemistry – ENSIACET, Toulouse
  • Isotopic geochemistry & radiocarbon dating
  • Analytical chemistry & methodological development
  • Proteomics & Metabolomics

PhD project: Exploring a multi-analytical approach to investigate Human occupations and faunal metabolism in southern France during the Palaeolithic.

Supervisors: Thibaut Devièse (CEREGE), Gwenaëlle Goude (LAMPEA)