Centre de recherche et d’enseignement
des géosciences de l’environnement
Centre de recherche et d’enseignement
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Séminaire T&P : Yannick Caniven, Université d’Oxford.

8 mars 2023 @ 11h30 - 12h30

What controls the fault slip velocity during  & slow earthquakes? Insights from a granular mechanics model.

Résumé :

Why do fast earthquakes accelerate dramatically while slow ones are not able to? In this study, we explore the physical origins of various types of events in a particle-based simulation of fault slip. Our model simulates a vertical crustal strike-slip fault in two dimensions, viewed from the top. We use an assemblage of about 14,000 particles, bonded to impart cohesion at all contacts except along a pre-defined fault line of 50 km length. We characterize the scaling laws that emerge from analyses between strain, stress and slip velocity during individual slip events within the fault zone. We examine 10 slow and fast earthquakes and identify several persistent behaviors and scaling relationships. First, we find that peak slip-velocity correlates with friction drop scaled by the preseismic rupture nucleation length. The best fit is a power law. Additionally, we find that during each rupture, shear stress decreases roughly linearly with slip. The weakening at an individual location persists throughout the event, even when the rupture tip has passed far beyond that location. Finally, we find that the initial absolute stress state correlates only weakly with the slip velocity peak, although an overall trend cannot be ignored. We explore some of the physical origins of these scaling relationships and discuss the implications for earthquake rupture processes.


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Ce séminaire fait partie de la série de séminaires pour des candidats au poste de Maître de conférences ouvert en section 35 (Profil : Dynamique des surfaces continentales en réponse aux forçages tectoniques et/ou climatiques) pour le CEREGE cette année.


Date :
8 mars 2023
Heure :
11h30 - 12h30
Catégorie d’évènement:
Site :


Equipe Terre et Planètes


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