Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 – France
Tél. : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00
« Mercury budgets telling stories »
Résumé : The seminar will be about mercury and methylmercury budgets, starting from a small but relevant basin, the Arctic Ocean, a prime study area because of the apparent high ecosystem and human exposure. International efforts have now made the Arctic Ocean one of the best observed basins and its small size allows to built comprehensive budgets. Then i will attempt to scale this approach up and revise the global mercury budget.
L’événement commencera par un café servi devant l’amphi Pasteur à 13h15.
La présentation sera en français et sera disponible en streaming (
Amphi Pasteur