This year, 3 teams involving research support staff won in Provence, including the Laboratoire National des Nucléides Cosmogéniques (LN2C) involving 7 staff from the Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement de Géosciences de l'Environnement (CEREGE):
- Georges Aumaitreresponsible for the instrumental and experimental quality of the ASTER national instrument.
- Stéphanie Gairoard, in charge of instrumental development and protocols for the chemical preparation of beryllium 10 and aluminium 26 samples.
- Isabelle Giffardwhich is responsible for the chemical preparation and atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis of the samples.
- Valéry Guillouresponsible for processing and developing techniques for the chemical preparation and spectroscopic analysis of chlorine 36 samples.
- Karim KeddadoucheThe ASTER instrument is operated and developed by the French National Laboratory for Cosmogenic Nucleides (LN2C).
- Laëtitia LéanniShe is responsible for the processing and development of chemical preparation techniques and spectroscopic analysis of samples of beryllium 10 and aluminium 26.
- Fawzi Zaidiresponsible for the maintenance and development of electronic systems linked to the operation of the ASTER national instrument.