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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

IRP Deglaciation in the Greater Caucasus

The glaciers of the Greater Caucasus are a vital economic and water resource for the indigenous populations. These glaciers are currently in decline, but it is still difficult to quantify the impact of this decline.

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The WAO Project

The WAO project aims to improve the understanding of the hydrological functioning of the Saq aquifer in the Al Ula region (Saudi Arabia) in order to move towards a sustainable management of

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ANR MedSens

Climate projections for the 21st century indicate that the Mediterranean (Med) region will be warmer and drier, with a greater seasonal contrast. Even if the warming and

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Automated micropaleontology

Tools Applications Contacts Luc Beaufort, and Thibault de Garidel-Thoron, Scientific Managers More information The micro-automation platform at CEREGE brings together digital and optical tools for the automated recognition of organisms

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Imagery and Geomatics (GISéo)

Tools Applications Contacts Vincent Godard, Professor, Scientific Manager Jules Fleury, IR1, Technical Manager SIGéo's technical blog SIGéo is the geomatics platform of CEREGE's Earth & Planets team.

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International collaborative research project (ANR PRCI) with the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven (Helmholtz Centre) on radiocarbon age variability of the marine reservoir and its implications for

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Equipex eDiamant

The Earth and Planets team is a partner in the Equipex+ eDiamant programme, led by physicists from ENS-Saclay. This spintronics project focuses on the development of diamonds with nitrogen-lacune centres (diamonds

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Earth magnetism

Characterising temporal and spatial variations in the Earth's magnetic field This research area focuses on the spatial and temporal fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic field (EMF) in order to understand their origins. This

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