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Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences


The INSU/LEFE 'CHEMICAL' project is exploiting this new equipment by looking at changes in the monsoon in two key areas close to the equator: West Africa and the equatorial eastern Pacific, by

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The MioCarb project aims to understand the development of the modern carbon cycle between the late Miocene and early Pliocene (10-4

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PLASMA Project

The PLASMA project aims to establish a detailed map of PM pollution in the Bay of Marseille and to understand its spatio-temporal dynamics. The project focuses on 2 areas: 

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Aquatic mesocosms laboratory On this platform, physico-chemists, micro-biologists and ecologists assess the environmental risk of (nano)materials by accessing mechanistic data on several spatial and temporal scales. The

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Polar Ice Geochemistry Unit

Tools Applications Contacts Scientific leaders:Edouard Bard and Mélanie Baroni Core drilling in the polar ice caps provides environmental information at high temporal resolution for periods

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Tools of the Radiocarbon Unit

AixMICADAS Gas source AGE3 Cryogenic line EC-OC Cryo line Micromill Lab Pretreatment Spectrometer AixMICADAS The MICADAS (Mini Carbon Dating System) spectrometer is an innovation in the field of spectroscopy

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