Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates Team

François Fournier

Senior Lecturer
Co-leader of the Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates team

Sophie Viseur

Research Engineer
Co-leader of the Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates team

Search for a CEREGE member
Edward Anthony
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Bruno Arfib
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Axel Arnoux
PAR - Research Support Staff
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Jean Borgomano
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Juan Chavez
DC-PhD Student
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Veronique Chazottes
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Gilles Conesa
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Garry Dorleon
ATER-Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Francois Fournier
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Ghislain Gassier
PAR - Research Support Staff
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Julio Goncalves
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Yves Guglielmi
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Bruno Hamelin
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Pierre Henry
DR-Senior Researcher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Jean-claude Hippolyte
CR-Research Associate
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Philippe Leonide
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Mahamat-Taher Mahamat
DC-PhD Student
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Lionel Marie
PAR - Research Support Staff
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Samuel Meule
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Helene Miche
PAR - Research Support Staff
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Lucien Montaggioni
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Hugo Pellet
DC-PhD Student
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Jean Philip
ECE - Emeritus Research Teacher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Anne Ribaud-Laurenti
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Nathan Rispal
DC-PhD Student
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Eduardo Roemers De Oliveira
DC-PhD Student
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Lilas Ruttyn
DC-PhD Student
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Francois Sabatier
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Thomas Stieglitz
DR-Senior Researcher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Christine Vallet-Coulomb
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Sophie Viseur
PAR - Research Support Staff
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Florin Zainescu
PD-Post Doctoral Researcher
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates
Alexandre Zappelli
PAR - Research Support Staff
RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates