Sedimentary basins, tectonics and georesources
Moderators: P. Henry, J.C. Hippolyte
The CB2 theme focuses on aspects of sedimentary basin dynamics involving tectonics and fluids. The energy transition is an important motivation, in particular the evaluation of storage solutions and the risks associated with CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) from reservoir to basin scale. Topics covered include : natural fracturing of sub-surface rocks and modelling of fracture networks; structure and properties (composition, porosity, permeability) of fault zones with a particular focus on carbonate formations; fault kinematics and dating of episodes of deformation and/or fluid circulation; coupling processes between fluids, stress and deformation (seismic/asismic) at various scales; thermal regime of basins and mountain ranges; microbial production of hydrogen in depleted petroleum reservoirs. These projects involve the development of new methods for extracting information from digital outcrops and images; U/Pb dating of carbonate veins and cements at CEREGE; in situ experiments, long-term monitoring and modelling.
People involved : P. Henry, J.C. Hippolyte, Y. Guglielmi, J. Gonçalves, L. Marié, S. Viseur, H. Miche, J. Borgomano