Hydrodynamics and coastal morphodynamics
Moderator: F. Sabatier
Coastal morphodynamics concerns the interactive loop between liquid flows, sediment transport and morphological changes. The members of the team approach these themes from a dual perspective, both fundamental and applied. Work in hydrodynamics focuses on the link between swell and currents in coastal and lagoon areas, seeking to describe the processes and their sedimentary implications: understanding turbulent diffusivity, solid transport, seismoturbidites, flows over complex rigid or flexible bottoms. Morphodynamics is applied to different time and space scales, with a particular focus on sediment connectivity between rivers and coastlines, particularly deltas, and between the beach and the foreshore. This research is a priority for the theme, with a global vision that includes the impact of rising sea levels.
This theme also addresses aspects linked to coastal engineering and nature-based solutions through the production of knowledge concerning both natural ecosystem hydrosystems (seagrass beds, mangroves, maritime marshes, corals, etc.) and artificial sand recharging projects, natural sand transfer mechanisms (shallows and lagoons) as well as the calibration of coastal protection dunes (submersions), with a view to identifying coastal vulnerability and resilience.
The study areas cover the Mediterranean coastline and the coastal systems of Africa (north, west, central and east), AsiaThe Amazonian-influenced regions of Oceania and South America.
People involved Anthony, E. (PR), Henry, P. (DR), Meulé, S. (MCF), Sabatier, F. (MCF), Stieglitz, T. (DR), ZăinescuF. (postdoc), Zappelli, A. (IE)