Carbonates: from sedimentary systems to reservoirs
Moderators: P. Léonide, F. Fournier
This theme concerns the study of the genesis and dynamics of carbonate sedimentary systems in relation to palaeobiological, palaeoclimatic and geodynamic changes on a regional and global scale, the reconstruction of stratigraphic architectures and palaeoenvironments, and an understanding of the evolution of the pore network and physical properties of reservoir rocks on different scales (from µm to km) since their deposition, taking into account diagenesis, karstogenesis and tectonic deformation. Activities in this theme will focus on three key issues: 1) Recording of palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic events by neritic marine carbonate production (Jurassic and Cretaceous platforms in Provence, Miocene ramps in south-eastern France); 2) Recording of palaeohydrological cycles by lacustrine carbonate sedimentation, particularly in the vicinity of major Cenozoic climatic events (PETM, EOT); 3) Formation and evolution of major carbonate and karstic aquifers. Solving these problems will rely on the team's skills in terms of naturalistic geological analysis of these systems (sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, mineralogy, structural geology), its knowledge of the area, the measurement of physical properties, the analysis of geochemical signals (including stable isotopes and radiochronology) and numerical modelling (photogrammetry, process-based modelling). Absolute dating of mineral phases (ENVITOP platform, for U/Pb dating by laser ablation), coupled with the clumped-isotopes will make it possible to constrain the timing of diagenetic evolution and link it to the history of burial and the geodynamic context.
People involved: P. Leonide, F. Fournier, G. Conesa, J. Lamarche, V. Chazottes, B. Martin-Garin, A. Ribaud-Laurenti, S. Viseur, B. Arfib, L. Marié, J. Borgomano, L. Montaggioni, J. Philip.