Carbonate archaeomaterials and heritage preservation
Moderators: G. Conesa, F. Fournier
The CB3 theme aims to respond to archaeological and heritage preservation issues through multi-approach characterisation (petrographic, micropalaeontological, petrophysical, structural, geochemical, hydrogeological) of sedimentary rocks, particularly carbonate rocks, used by ancient populations or constituting archaeological sites, particularly in karstic contexts. These archaeometric approaches will be applied in particular to statuary and construction materials, making it possible to determine their origin, thereby helping to enrich our understanding of past human phenomena, such as the acquisition of materials, the extent of trade networks or the dissemination of ideas and technologies. Four flagship projects will be developed in the next four-year period: 1) study of the provenance of protohistoric statuary materials from Provence (partnership: CICRP, Musée d'Histoire de Marseille), with the aim of identifying the sources of materials and the routes used to transport these resources, and providing new information on the nature of relations between Massalia and the Celto-Ligurian peoples; 2) characterisation and provenance of building stones from the ancient theatre at Orange (partnership: Institut de Recherche sur l'Architecture Antique, IRAA; CICRP), which will make it possible to identify the stages in the construction of the theatre and determine the sources of supply of these materials with a view to restoring and preserving the heritage; 3) Identification of ancient maritime routes in the Mediterranean area through the systematic analysis of ancient boat weights (partnership: CCJ); 4) Preservation of cave art in the Cosquer cave by identifying and quantifying the factors controlling variations in air and water pressure in this semi-permeable coastal karst, which will make it possible to deduce the conditions under which the archaeological walls evolved.
People involved: F. Fournier, G. Conesa, B. Arfib, P. Leonide, L. Marié, S. Viseur.