Our partnerships and collaborations
A significant part of CEREGE's research is based on national, international and European collaborations, as shown by the important share of CEREGE's publications with international co-authors (more than 75% between 2016 and 2021) and the hosting of visiting scientists (about 140 between 2016 and 2021), our involvement in numerous national networks and in the coordination of projects involving several national laboratories (e.g. 7 ANR projects, including 2 in coordination, funded during the AAPG 2022 involving between 3 and 7 partners).
Several of CEREGE's leading scientific and technical themes respond to societal and industrial issues such as water treatment, energy resources and storage, waste recycling, development of advanced materials, etc. These links between CEREGE, society and industry allow our teams to take on subjects of high scientific and technological value, in line with their research policy, in order to meet current and future societal and environmental needs.

World Interactions
CEREGE stands out for the quality of its non-academic interactions and the development of products for the socio-economic world, as implied by the "Aix-Marseille Technology Platform" certification of some of its equipment.

National collaborations
and international
International collaborations are based on the international research programmes of the European Union, the ANR, the CNRS, the IRD and the French Development Agency