Our commitment to equality
CEREGE is committed to a policy of equality and the fight against discrimination.
The Equality Unit of CEREGE, active since 2019, acts at the level of CEREGE and the OSU PYTHEAS to fight against the gender inequality. Since 2024 it has been expanding its actions against all forms of discrimination (LGBTQIA+, disabled people, religious groups, etc.). These actions are carried out in conjunction with our supervisory bodies.
We listen to all members of the laboratory to prevent and act against all forms of discrimination and discrimination against women. sexual or gender-based violence (VSS). You are invited to come and talk to the team individually and in complete confidentiality.
In terms of gender equality, our actions are structured around 3 areas:
A comparative situation document between men and women in the laboratory has been published every year since 2019. The following parameters are measured by gender and body:
- Workforce
- Age pyramid
- Recruitment
- Career development
- Responsibilities
- Supporting projects
- PhDs
The proportion of women in the following events is also monitored:
- Guest seminars
- Submissions
- Juries
- Thesis, post-doc and ATER recruitment
This situation is put into perspective with regard to data from the CNRS and AMU.
Where there is systemic inequality (i.e. not cyclical):
- Our successes are not only due to our efforts or our talent.
- Inequality is the result of many factors, including the private, educational and professional spheres, institutions, social protection systems, representations and stereotypes.
The unit organises several types of action described below:
- Training in implicit gender bias and its effects, primarily for people with responsibilities in teams, platforms, committees, etc: Training based on research results, proposed by Isabelle Régner (Vice-president for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination at AMU, and Professor at the Cognitive Psychology Laboratory, specialising in gender bias) and Magali Putero (project manager for the vice-president). Consists of 3 workshops of 2 hours each in groups of ~15.
- OSER!" training to remove obstacles to women's careers in higher education and research, offered to women at CEREGE, MIO and LAM. This programme is an adaptation of the Springboard Tremplin programme for women, adapted for Higher Education and Research in France. 12 participants per year. Great success. Supported by the management of MIO, LAM and CEREGE.
- Mentoring for young female researchers from LAM, MIO, IMBE and CEREGEWomen in Science: organised by the Femmes & Science association and supported by OSU PYTHEAS and AMU. Around twenty mentees in 2024.
The OSER training course and the Mentoring programme are organised in collaboration with our colleagues Guilaine Lagache (LAM) Stéphanie Barillon (MIO) and Elena Ormeno (IMBE).
From equality cafés and lunches for Women are also organised.
Cell recommendation
Remain vigilant to ensure that women are present at all levels in a proportion that meets or exceeds their share of the workforce Governance, team management, platform management, seminars, allocation of grants, setting up of recruitment committees, guest seminars, promotion proposals, recruitment, selection of funding applications, etc.

Anne Alexandre, Jules Fleury, Julie Aleman, Tom Chalk, Abel Guihou
Comparative F-H situations at CEREGE
- Presentation 2024
- Presentation 2023
- Presentation 2022
- Presentation 2019
Useful links
- Mission pour la Place des Femmes du CNRS
- The CNRS equality correspondent network
- Equality between men and women and the fight against discrimination AMU