11 mai, 13h30, Amphithéâtre Pasteur, CEREGE Arbois
"Exploring the drivers of past monsoon variability in SE Asia
Summary : Southeast Asia occupies a nexus between three major branches of the Asian monsoon system. Distribution of proxy sites in SE Asia are insufficient to resolve the spatial impacts of dynamical climate features (e.g the ITCZ, Pacific Walker Circulation (PWC) and tropical storms) as they relate to monsoon rainfall. This presentation explores century-scale changes in mean climate state and abrupt drought events from a lake in Vietnam to explore the drivers of monsoon variability in SE Asia.
Présentation en anglais disponible en streaming (http://streaming-a.osupytheas.fr/embed/live.html)
Regardez le dernier Grand Séminaire CEREGE / 6 avril 2023
Hugues Raimbourg, Université d’Orléans: « Processus de déformation dans les failles de la croûte supérieure »