The Sedimentology analysis platform is attached to theEarth and Planets team.
It provides support for the collection of sediment and water samples from natural and anthropised environments. From very high resolution photography with the production of mosaics to the characterisation of particle size distributions in natural environments and their shapes, the research objectives mainly concern the reconstitution of palaeo-environments in the context of palaeo-climatic studies, in palaeo-environmental environments in coastal, lacustrine and palustrine environments, and in the catchment areas of rivers and deltas in relation to archaeological, climatic and morpho-dynamic issues.
Collaborations are therefore carried out in a transversal manner across the different teams of CEREGE and beyond. Collaborations are carried out with French universities and EPST (University of Savoie Mont Blanc, University of Bordeaux, IFREMER, IRSN, INRAP).
In this department, the elements present in the sediments are characterised and collected for the purpose of characterising the granulometric distributions with or without chemical pre-treatment, quantifying and identifying micro and macro palaeontological remains (charcoal, ceramics, ostracods, shells) and chemically preparing quartz for a morphoscopic study of the sedimentary transport processes.

LICENCE SVT Earth route
MASTER STPE Sedimentation by falling velocity, laser granulometry for monitoring beach transport processes
MASTER MAEVA Micro and macro plastics
MASTER MoMarch Ostracods and Paleo-environments
MASTER GERINAT : Soil Mechanics