Tools Soil Preparation & Analysis

Dry preparation room
This room has all the equipment necessary for the physical preparation of soil samples: a 5kg precision balance, a 750L Memmert oven, an ATM800 suction table (ASAIR), a PM100 planetary mill (Retsch), a Cryotec freeze-dryer as well as various sieves, quarters and decompaction bowls.

Wet preparation room
This room is used to clean the equipment and to carry out the granulometric separation of soil samples (sampling of fractions <2µm). There is an Integral ultrapure water production systemã (Merck Millipore), a high-speed high-volume centrifuge RC5C (Sorvall Instruments) and a 150L WiseCubeã.

Weighing room
Room equipped with a precision scale 10-4g and a 10-6g CPA26P (Sartorius).

Preparation room for isotopic analysis
This room, which is halfway between a conventional chemistry laboratory and a clean room, allows the chemical preparation of samples for isotopic analyses (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, etc.) to be carried out under clean conditions. It is equipped with a vertical laminar flow hood in PP class 100 (ISO 5), evaporation chambers, a DST 1000 acid distiller (Savillex), a MiniSpin microcentrifuge (Eppendorf) and a Directã (Merck Millipore).

Chemistry room
This room, equipped with a fume cupboard, a B180 muffle furnace (Nabertherm), a pH meter and a 53L Memmert oven, is used to carry out the classic chemistry manipulations of a laboratory.