Stable Isotope Analysis (PANISS)
- Corinne SonzogniTechnical Resp, sonzogni@cerege.fr
- Anne AlexandreScientific Resp, alexandre@cerege.fr
- David Au YangResearch engineer, auyang@cerege.fr
- Anne-Lise JourdanResearch engineer, jourdan@cerege.fr
- Daniel RobertDesign engineer, robert@cerege.fr
Carbonates: L. Vidal
Carbonates ∆47: A. Licht
Silicates: A. Alexandre
Water: C.Vallet-Coulomb
Organic Comp: G. Leduc
CEREGE's Stable ISotope Analysis Platform consists of five state-of-the-art analytical applications
- analyses δ18O and δ13C of carbonates
- ∆47 and ∆48 analysis of carbonates
- analyses δ18O and δ17O silicates and oxides (including biogenic hydrated silicates and meteorites)
- analyses δ18O, δ17O and δD of water and water vapour
- analyses δ15N, δ13C and δD of organic compounds
She is part of the CLIMAT team at CEREGE. The original data, acquired through major experimental developments, mainly feed CEREGE's research on paleoclimates, water and carbon cycles, archaeology, ecology and planetology. PANISS also responds to requests for collaborative analyses or services from French and foreign academic organisations. The platform is developing a significant training activity.
PANISS has been awarded the "Aix-Marseille Technology Platform" label and is part of the CNRS-INSU "Réseau Géochimique et Expérimental Français" (RéGEF) research infrastructure.