User services
National service for the scientific community
As part of its national service mission, LN2C provides the French research community (universities, EPST, EPIC) with the following resources and capabilities:
- Sample preparation by LN2C engineers
- The provision of laboratories for visitors to prepare their samples, under the responsibility of permanent LN2C staff
- Measurement of targets by the ASTER instrument
LN2C is not a commercial service measurement laboratory.
Request for preparation and measures
All requests for preparation and/or measurement must be made using the sample declaration and quotation forms below.
- These documents should be sent to the following address
- No preparation or measurement will be carried out on samples not identified by the form.
- The form is used to calculate the cost of the preparations and measurements according to the rates in force for completing the estimate.
The cost per sample covers the cost of consumables and the operation of the preparation laboratories.
- Be et Al
- Cl carbonates
- Cl silicates No preparation as part of national service. These samples are prepared solely in collaboration with CEREGE researchers.
The cost per sample covers the operating costs of the ASTER instrument.
Scientific production
Scientific productions using data produced at the LN2C must acknowledge this in the following way:
- All articles using data produced by the LN2C must be deposited on the archive HAL and associated with LN2C collection.
- Acknowledgements of articles must contain the following sentence: ASTER AMS is part of the LN2C national facility (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence). It is supported by INSU/CNRS, IRD and AMU, and is a member of the REGEF and Plateforme Aix-Marseille networks.
- ASTER Team can be added to the list of authors: ASTER team1,*
- 1CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univ, IRD, INRAE, CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France
- *G. Aumaître, K. Keddadouche, F. Zaïdi
- For methodological papers (developments, inter-calibration, etc.), ASTER team members should appear in the following order: K. Keddadouche, G. Aumaître, F. Zaïdi.
Requests and questions
All requests concerning preparations and measurements should be sent to the following address: