Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Replay on France5, Cosquer cave, Homo sapiens and the sea

Cosquer cave, Homo sapiens and the sea

broadcast on 21/03/2024 at 21:08 Available until 04/08/2024

When, in the early 1990s, explorer Henri Cosquer entered the underwater cave that was to take his name, he discovered a piece of human history. It was to be one of the most important caves in Europe, and the marine representations on its walls stunned the scientific world. Very rare in cave art, these drawings raised the question of the relationship between prehistoric man and the sea. Our maritime past has always been denied, and it's hard to know what it was when so much of it was swallowed up. Today, prehistorians are unveiling the link that has bound mankind to the sea for so long.

Directed by : Vincent Pérazio
Production company: Antipode / France Télévisions

"A superb film on the relationship between prehistoric populations, paleoclimates and marine resources, in which CEREGE played a part. From the Cosquer cave to the Mesolithic of Brittany, the documentary illustrates several archaeological sites in France and Spain, scientific laboratories and coastal sites such as the island of Planier above and under water...",
Edouard Bard, Professor at CEREGE

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Edouard BardProfessor of Climate and Ocean Evolution at the Collège de France
