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Press review
Danielides, J. (2025, March). Historical discovery: when Marseille the Greek bombarded the Aixoïs Gauls. La Provence. For more information: Vallières D., Parat, F., Rochette, P.Scrinzi, M. and Antonio, P. 2024. Highlighting the role of artillery from Massalia through an archaeometric Study of basalt catapult balls discovered in Mediterranean Gaul (Late 3rd - 1st century BC). BABESCH 99.
- Maurel, C. (2025, February). What can we learn from the magnetic analysis of rock samples collected on Mars? Infuse.
- Sabatier, F. (2025, 16-17 February). To leave or to stay, the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer dilemma [Interview by Audrey Garric]. Le Monde.
- Camoin, G. (2025, 5 February). Ocean drilling has given rise to new scientific disciplines [Interview by Vahé Ter Minassian]. Le Monde.
- Cover image, Jérôme Gattacecca/CNRS/CEREGE, Nature, 17 Oct 2024
- Delta sustainability from the Holocene to the Anthropocene and envisioning the future, INFUSE AMU, October 2024
- Danielides, J. (2024, September). A million years ago, Marseille was a "Garden of Eden". La Provence. For more information: Andrieu, V., et al. (2024). Vegetation, climate and habitability in the Marseille basin (S.E. France) circa 1 Ma. Geosciences, 14(8), 211.
- Andrieu, V. (2024, September). A million years ago, a Garden of Eden. INSU CNRS. For more information: Andrieu, V., et al. (2024). Vegetation, climate and habitability in the Marseille basin (S.E. France) circa 1 Ma. Geosciences, 14(8), 211.
- Delta sustainability from the Holocene to the Anthropocene and envisioning the future, Nature Sustainability, August 2024
- 5,000-Year-Old Copper Pollution Found near the PyramidsEOS, 23 August 2024
- The source craters of the martian meteorites: Implications for the igneous evolution of Mars, Sciences Advances, 14 August 2024
. CNRS Provence-Corsica - Vegetation, climate and habitability in the Marseille basin (S.E. France) circa 1 Ma, Geosciences, 7 August 2024
- The construction of the Giza pyramids chronicled by human
copper contamination, CNRS Earth and Universe6 August 2024 - Recent tropical Andean glacier retreat is unprecedented in the Holocene, Science, 1 August 2024
The construction of the Giza pyramids chronicled by human
copper contamination,
. Geology, 21 July 2024- Provenance of the ballast stones from the Roman Republican ship Ilovik-Paržine 1: A hypothesis about its place of construction, 04/07/2024
. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
. Article in Infuse, the AMU webzine.
. Article CNRS INSU Terre & Univers
- Melting ice, a worrying acceleration by Déborah Verfaillie, Podcast Le Chantier, 12/06/2024
- Conference: The glaciers of the Kerguelen Islands, sentinels of climate change,, 04/06/2024
- In Marseille, with the Explore festival, science is infused throughout the city, La Provence newspaperPublished on 27/05/24
- CEREGE: the study and teaching of earth sciences, CISAM, 22/05/2024
- Beach erosion in the Var, François Sabatier, Senior Lecturer, TF1 Bonjour, la Matinale (at 7.40am), 21/04/2024
Beach erosion in the Var, François Sabatier, Senior Lecturer, France 3, Dimanche en politique, 19/04/2024
- Earthquakes, architects of the landscape, CNRS report 19/04/2024
- ASTER: accelerating matter to slow it down, Infuse le Webzine AMU, 17/04/2024
The wonky holes, CSIRO's Double Helix, 15/04/2024
- "Drought in our department", Nicolas Roche, Planète Locale, BFM TV Provence, 08/04/2024
- Influence of the Rhone River intrusion on microplastic distribution in the Bay of Marseille, Regional Studies in Marine Science 73 (2024) 103457
- Cosquer cave Homo Sapiens and the sea, France 5 documentary on 21/03/2024.
- A 4,565-My-old record of the solar nebula field, PNAS march 4th10.1073/pnas.2312802121 , Maurel C. & Gattacceca J.
- Meteorite: a magnetic record dating back 4,565 Ga, Infuse6 March 2024
- How will our future be shaped by global climate change? Nature Geoscience, 29/01/2024
- How will our future be shaped by global climate change? CNRS Earth and Universe, 01/02/2024
- How will our future be shaped by global climate change? Infuse, 02/02/2024
- The IRD's climate solutions, La Provence, 08/02/2024
- From the Andes to the Alps: in Marseilles, they are inventing solutions to combat climate change, La Provence, 07/02/24
- Central Asia: abrupt change in rainfall and vegetation 56 million years ago, CNRS Earth and Universe, 01/02/2024
- How will climate change affect our future? Infuse, 02/02/2024
- A late Pleistocene hominin footprint site on the North African coast of Morocco, Scientific Reports, 23/01/2024
- Ancient footprints found in Morocco, Infuse web magazine AMUJanuary 2024,
- Proto-monsoon rainfall and greening in Central Asia due to extreme early Eocene warmth, Nature Geoscience, 29/01/2024
- [Environment] The challenges of water, for everyone and for a long time to come..., GOMET'4 January 2024
- Boivinet, X. (2023, weekend 2 and 3 December). From nuclear testing to the age of carbon in the soil. La Marseillaise.
"Europe was not entirely covered in forest before the arrival of Sapiens".. (2023, 25 November). France Inter, Les Saventuriers.
In the remnants of ancient climates. (2023, October 2). France Culture, LSD, Series by Aline Penitot.
Pénitot, A. (2023, October 2). "In the remnants of ancient climates, on France Culture: Aline Pénitot gives voice to glaciers, oceans and forests".. Le Mondeby Emilie Grangeray.
- Salon-de-Provence and surrounding area: could there be another earthquake? Le Régionalon 14/09/203
- "Stop thinking of water as an unlimited resource". The Laboratory of Republic, on 01/09/2023
A queen's funerary treatment for the nursemaid of the pharaoh Amenhotep II. Le Monde, 31 August 2023
- The Mediterranean on the front line of climate change. L'Opinion, on 30/08/2023
- The story of the Gulf Stream, a famous ocean current and ambiguous symbol of the fragility of the earth's pulse, Le Monde, 20/08/2023
Private swimming pools: "Scapegoating is not the solution ...Libération, on 08/08/2023
- Coralligenous rings, the mystery of Cap Corse soon to be revealed? France Bleu RCFM, 04/08/2023
- Cap Corse: the mystery of the coralligenous rings remains unsolved, Corse matin, 16/08/23
- Sun cream: should you choose between protecting your skin and protecting the environment? Malo, J. (2023), on 05/07/2023
Melting glaciers: We checked three climate sceptic arguments, Jehanno, E. (2023),, 27/06/2023
- We are not fully aware of the resource,, 07/06/2023
- Les Eyzies: A conference on archaeology with Thibaut Devièse,, 07/06/2023
- Anticipated disappearance of the Saint-Sorlin glacier by 2050,, 1 May 2023
Mediterranean-Africa: how the Congo and the Aix-Marseille metropolitan area are working together to preserve water resources,, 17/05/2023
- From Arctic to Alps, icy exploration expands understanding of global warming, Horizon Magazine 23/04/2023
- The need to rethink the entire water use strategy, PAN'EURAMA #3 winter 2022-2023, 14 April 2023
- Magnets wipe memories from meteorites, erasing billion-year-old data. Researchers sound alarm over damage caused by popular meteorite-hunting technique (2023), 06/04/2023.
- What France can expect from wastewater reuse,, 31/03/2023
- Water Plan "We must completely change our relationship with water", Nicolas Roche, France Info podcast
- Water plan: "We need to completely rethink our relationship with water", argues a researcher specialising in water issues (2023) on 30/03/2023
- ASTER diving into the history of the earth, Gilabert, C. Choupas, C. (2023)
- Understanding the Asian monsoons of the South, Bolton, C. (2023), 17 March 2023.
A new look at rapid climate change and the bipolar shift, Bard, E. (2023), 14 March 2023.
- La clef des sols, collective work coordinated by Sophie Cornu. Ed Maia, (2023). ISBN: 9782384414239.
- Rare and Revealing: Radiocarbon in Service of Paleoceanography, EOS, Luke C. Skinner and Edouard Bard, 07/02/2023
Twenty years ago, the mine closed, Biagini, A. and Palmi, C. (2023) La, 01 February 2023
Boivinet, X. (2022, December 18). The hypothesis of river ports at the foot of the pyramids is gaining strength. La Marseillaise.
- Special report - Energy transition - how to secure purchases of raw materials. (2022, November). The Sim.
- Cornu, S. (2022). The key to floors. Echosciences SUD.
- Vanlerberghe, C. (2022, 19 October). Neanderthal: a family photo thanks to genetics. Le Figaro.
- The Salon base is open to budding scientists (2022, 16 October). La Provence.
Roche, N. (2022, 5 October). "Why doesn't water boil at the same temperature at sea or in the mountains?". La Marseillaise.
Roche, N. (2022, 12 October). "How does fog form?", "Why does it rain?".. La Marseillaise.
Gre, M. (2022, October). At the Arbois technology park, science is child's play. La Provence.
Press releases
- Eocene-Oligocene transition: the potential of sedimentary archives from lake basins according to Semmani et al, The Paleogene continental basins from SE France: New geographic and climatic insights from an integrated approach, in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoeclology, 615, 111452. (2023)
- Peatlands as climate tipping points according to Garcin et al. Hydroclimatic vulnerability of peat carbon in the central Congo Basin. Nature (2022).
- The impact of the anthropocene on tropical cyclones since the Little Ice Ageaccording to Marriner N, Kaniewski D, Garnier E, Poukerman M, Giaime M, Vacchi M, Morhange, C. Has the Anthropocene affected the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones? Evidence from Mascarene Islands historical records (Southwestern Indian Ocean), Global and Planetary Change (2022).
- The intensification of Westerly winds responsible for increased melting in Antarctica according to Verfaillie, D.Pelletier, C., Goosse, H. et al. The circum-Antarctic ice-shelves respond to a more positive Southern Annular Mode with regionally varied melting. Common Earth Environ 3, 139 (2022).
- Mediterranean cities on the front line of global warming according to Joël GuiotMediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC)
- Reconciling the history of monsoon winds and rains in the Miocene according to Nat. Geosci. 15, 314-319 (2022). Sarr, A-C., Donnadieu, Y., Bolton, C.Ladant, J-B., Licht, A.Fluteau, F., Laugié, M., Tardif, D., Dupont-Nivet, G. Neogene South Asian Monsoon Rainfall and Wind Histories diverged due to topographic effects. Nat. Geosci. 15, 314-319 (2022).
- Stability of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves tested by atmospheric rivers according to Wille, J.D., Favier, V., Jourdain, N.C., Jomelli, V., et al.Intense atmospheric rivers can weaken ice shelf stability at the Antarctic Peninsula. Common Earth Environ 3, 90 (2022).
- The ocean at the heart of the evolution of mountain glaciers over the last 11,000 years according to Jomelli, V.Swingedouw, D., Vuille, M. et al. In-phase millennial-scale glacier changes in the tropics and North Atlantic regions during the Holocene. Common Nat 13, 1419 (2022).
- Balkanatolia: the forgotten continent that sheds light on the evolution of mammals according to Alexis Licht, Grégoire Métais, Pauline Coster, Deniz İbilioğlu, Faruk Ocakoğlu, Jan Westerweel, Megan Mueller, Clay Campbell, Spencer Mattingly, Melissa C. Wood, & K. Christopher Beard. Balkanatolia: the insular mammalian biogeographic province that partly paved the way to the Great Divide, Earth Science Reviews, 2022.
- From Corsica to Turkey: the diverse provenance of ancient column shaftsaccording to P. Rochette, J.P. Ambrosi, T. Amraoui, V. Andrieu, A. Badie, Ph. Borgard, J. Gattacceca, A. Hartmann-Virnich, M. Panneau, J. Planchon, Systematic sourcing of granite shafts from Gallia Narbonensis and comparison with other western Mediterranean areas, Journal of Archaeological Science: ReportsVolume 42, 2022
- Peatlands as climate tipping points according to Garcin et al. Hydroclimatic vulnerability of peat carbon in the central Congo Basin. Nature (2022).
- The impact of the anthropocene on tropical cyclones since the Little Ice Ageaccording to Marriner N, Kaniewski D, Garnier E, Poukerman M, Giaime M, Vacchi M, Morhange, C. Has the Anthropocene affected the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones? Evidence from Mascarene Islands historical records (Southwestern Indian Ocean), Global and Planetary Change (2022).
- The intensification of Westerly winds responsible for increased melting in Antarctica according to Verfaillie, D.Pelletier, C., Goosse, H. et al. The circum-Antarctic ice-shelves respond to a more positive Southern Annular Mode with regionally varied melting. Common Earth Environ 3, 139 (2022).
- Mediterranean cities on the front line of global warming according to Joël GuiotMediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC)
- Reconciling the history of monsoon winds and rains in the Miocene according to Nat. Geosci. 15, 314-319 (2022). Sarr, A-C., Donnadieu, Y., Bolton, C.Ladant, J-B., Licht, A.Fluteau, F., Laugié, M., Tardif, D., Dupont-Nivet, G. Neogene South Asian Monsoon Rainfall and Wind Histories diverged due to topographic effects. Nat. Geosci. 15, 314-319 (2022).
- Stability of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves tested by atmospheric rivers according to Wille, J.D., Favier, V., Jourdain, N.C., Jomelli, V., et al.Intense atmospheric rivers can weaken ice shelf stability at the Antarctic Peninsula. Common Earth Environ 3, 90 (2022).
- The ocean at the heart of the evolution of mountain glaciers over the last 11,000 years according to Jomelli, V.Swingedouw, D., Vuille, M. et al. In-phase millennial-scale glacier changes in the tropics and North Atlantic regions during the Holocene. Common Nat 13, 1419 (2022).
- Balkanatolia: the forgotten continent that sheds light on the evolution of mammals according to Alexis Licht, Grégoire Métais, Pauline Coster, Deniz İbilioğlu, Faruk Ocakoğlu, Jan Westerweel, Megan Mueller, Clay Campbell, Spencer Mattingly, Melissa C. Wood, & K. Christopher Beard. Balkanatolia: the insular mammalian biogeographic province that partly paved the way to the Great Divide, Earth Science Reviews, 2022.
- From Corsica to Turkey: the diverse provenance of ancient column shaftsaccording to P. Rochette, J.P. Ambrosi, T. Amraoui, V. Andrieu, A. Badie, Ph. Borgard, J. Gattacceca, A. Hartmann-Virnich, M. Panneau, J. Planchon, Systematic sourcing of granite shafts from Gallia Narbonensis and comparison with other western Mediterranean areas, Journal of Archaeological Science: ReportsVolume 42, 2022