Technical supports and media
Software, Open Source codes, technical videos... So many tools to help with the analysis and representation of scientific research data that CEREGE makes available.
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- 2020-2024: H2020 SABYNA project: Simple, robust and cost-effective approaches to guide industry in the development of safer nanomaterials and nano-enabled products.
- 2021-2025 : ANR RECALL project – Sustainable RECovery of vALuable metaLs in bauxite residue
- 2022-2025 : European project LEAP-RE RESTART – REcycling of spent Li-ion batteries and end-life photovoltaic panels: From the development of metal recovery processes to the implementation of a START-up
- 2020-2023 : National Carnot Water and Environment Programme NEREIDE – Nature-based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse for Sustainable Irrigation
- 2020-2023 : ITEM Institute Project RhizoCarbon+ – Stimulating the plant-microorganism-mineral continuum to store carbon in soils
- 2020-2023 : ITEM Institute Project Bioextract :
BIOmimicry at the service of the EXTRACTION of Rare Earths from secondary sources. - 2021-2026 : NSF Accelnet INFRAMES project: Network of Networks to Advance International Efforts for Sustainable Materials
- 2020-2025 : IRD AMIR International Joint Laboratory : Responsible Mining in Morocco: Issues, Challenges, Solutions
- EVALVIE: ADEME project - IECP carrier:
Assessment of the environmental and health vulnerability of a territory in relation to human activity and the diversity of environments