Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Olivier Bellier

Olivier Bellier


TP-Earth and Planets

Contact details
Email. :
Tel: +33 (0)4 13 94 91 78

Scientific activity
Research topics: Active Tectonics, Morphogenesis, Geodynamics, Natural Hazards and Erosion.
Confrontation of different approaches: tectonics and structural geology, geomorphology, seismotectonics:
- Study of active faults and assessment of seismic hazard: characterisation of deformation parameters from the seismic cycle scale to the plate tectonic scale.
- Analysis of deformation processes and associated phenomena (magmatism, stress and strain fields, salt tectonics, etc.).
- Geomorphology, geoarchaeology: archaeological and natural risks
Study areas: Peru, W. USA, Sumatra Arc and Sulawesi Fault (Indonesia), North Anatolian Fault (Turkey), El Pilar and Bocono Fault (Venezuela), Precordillera Fault (Argentina), SE France, Italy, Iran, Tunisia, Taiwan, China, Morocco, Armenia...

  • 1989 - University thesis - University of Paris Sud, Orsay
  • 1990-1991 - post-doc CNES - USGS, Menlo Park; Université Paris Sud, Orsay
  • 1991-1992 - Researcher at the Institut Géographique National (IGN) - IGN- Saint Mandé, Paris.
  • 1992- 2000 - Research Fellow (CR1) at CNRS - Tectonics and Geodynamics, Geology Department, Univ. Paris Sud
  • 2000… - University Professor - CEREGE, Aix-Marseille University
  • 1989 - University Thesis, PhD - University of Paris Sud
  • 1998 - HDR - , University of Paris XI, Orsay centre
  • tectonics
  • geodynamics
  • sesmic hazard
  • natural risk
  • morphotectonic ans paleosismology