Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00
As an international multidisciplinary research and teaching centre and a centre of excellence in terms of human and technical resources, CEREGE covers almost the entire field of environmental geosciences.
By joining forces with other major national and international research structures and with industrial and technological players, CEREGE is now a centre of excellence in the field of geosciences.
CEREGE provides the academic and industrial scientific community with a range of high-tech resources.
CEREGE's teaching covers the entire spectrum of training in Earth and environmental sciences, from undergraduate to doctoral level.
Through the dissemination of its scientific communication, CEREGE aims to establish a permanent dialogue between science, research and the general public, especially the younger generation.
I am interested in the sustainable supply of metals through its life cycle, from extraction to recycling of end-of-life products. In a circular economy context, we are developing bio-inspired extraction processes of critical metals from secondary sources. In particular, we are working with economists to evaluate the non-market values (social and environmental impacts) of the processes developed compared to traditional processes. The link with the countries of the South, major players on a global scale for the production of this resource, is an essential aspect of the projects that I am developing with the aim of supporting mining players and territories through research towards more responsible practices (social and environmental). Finally, I am strongly involved in scientific mediation actions around these subjects with schoolchildren, industrialists and the general public.
Coordination: Project ANR RECALL, LMI AMIR (Responsible Mining in Morocco)
Partner: European RESTART project (Li-ion battery recycling), Project ITEM Bioextract
Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00