Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Vallet-Coulomb Christine

Vallet-Coulomb Christine


RHYCA-Resources, Hydrosystems and Carbonates

Contact details
Email. :
Tel: +33 (0)4 13 94 92 65

The aim of my research is to understand variations in the water cycle in Mediterranean and subtropical regions. I am interested in the impact of climatic variations on surface runoff, groundwater recharge flows, evapotranspiration and lake systems. I use isotopes of the water molecule (18O, 2H, d-exc, 17O-exc) and integrate them into hydrological models.

I also teach hydrology-related subjects in courses at Aix Marseille University, including raising students' awareness of the societal issues associated with water resources. I regularly take part in scientific popularisation and mediation activities for a variety of audiences. I am also involved in training and technical and scientific support in isotope hydrology for various African universities, with the support of the IAEA.

  • 2023-actual - Professor - CEREGE - Aix Marseille University
  • 2000-2023 - Senior Lecturer - CEREGE - Aix Marseille University
  • 1995-2000 - Lecturer - University of Paris 7
  • 2012 - HDR - Aix Marseille University
  • 1992 - PhD in isotope hydrology - University of Paris 11 - Orsay
  • 1989 - DEA National d'Hydrologie - University of Paris 11 - Orsay
  • 1988 - Master's degree in Geology - University of Rennes 1
  • Isotope hydrology

Coordination :

2024-2025: WAWAPiso project (CNRS-INSU): West African WAter Pathways: regional monitoring and hydrological modelling with stable ISOtopes

Participation :

2023-2025: KAHYDE project

2024-2028: LMI REZOC -

2020-2024: LMI VIABELEAUX -