Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Claude Christelle

Claude Christelle



Contact details
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Tel: +33 (0)4 13 94 91 90

As a senior lecturer (HDR), I devote my research time to studying current and past water resources in the Mediterranean region in national and international multidisciplinary collaborations. In terms of methodology, I have expertise in isotope measurement by mass spectrometry and in-situ radioactive counting, enabling me to develop the use of natural radioisotopes from the uranium series as tracers and chronometers. At the start of my career I worked on understanding the hydrological balances of anthropised coastal aquifers (salinisation, submarine groundwater discharge). Currently, in connection with climate sciences and archaeology, I am interested in past actions on this resource in carbonate records of ancient aqueducts and mills, speleothems and river tuffs. I incorporate this knowledge into my teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and into my student supervision.

  • 2001-2023 - Lecturer - CEREGE, UMR 7730, University of Aix-Marseille
  • HDR - Contribution of the uranium series to geosciences. focus on the critical zone - Aix-en-Provence
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Groundwater
  • Laminated carbonates
  • Hydrochemistry
  • Roman archaeology

AMIDEX The carb. of Green Prov. hydrosystems as evidence of the shift in natural environmental variability towards the Anthropocene

PCR U-Th dating speleothems

ECCOREV Carbonate concretions in Roman aqueducts: evidence of past hydro-climatic variability and water resource management in the Mediterranean?

ARKAIA The travertines of Ht-Argens: hydrol. variability and construction of a socio-hydrosystem from the Upper Pleistocene to the present day