Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00
As an international multidisciplinary research and teaching centre and a centre of excellence in terms of human and technical resources, CEREGE covers almost the entire field of environmental geosciences.
By joining forces with other major national and international research structures and with industrial and technological players, CEREGE is now a centre of excellence in the field of geosciences.
CEREGE provides the academic and industrial scientific community with a range of high-tech resources.
CEREGE's teaching covers the entire spectrum of training in Earth and environmental sciences, from undergraduate to doctoral level.
Through the dissemination of its scientific communication, CEREGE aims to establish a permanent dialogue between science, research and the general public, especially the younger generation.
As a senior lecturer (HDR), I devote my research time to studying current and past water resources in the Mediterranean region in national and international multidisciplinary collaborations. In terms of methodology, I have expertise in isotope measurement by mass spectrometry and in-situ radioactive counting, enabling me to develop the use of natural radioisotopes from the uranium series as tracers and chronometers. At the start of my career I worked on understanding the hydrological balances of anthropised coastal aquifers (salinisation, submarine groundwater discharge). Currently, in connection with climate sciences and archaeology, I am interested in past actions on this resource in carbonate records of ancient aqueducts and mills, speleothems and river tuffs. I incorporate this knowledge into my teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and into my student supervision.
AMIDEX The carb. of Green Prov. hydrosystems as evidence of the shift in natural environmental variability towards the Anthropocene
PCR U-Th dating speleothems
ECCOREV Carbonate concretions in Roman aqueducts: evidence of past hydro-climatic variability and water resource management in the Mediterranean?
ARKAIA The travertines of Ht-Argens: hydrol. variability and construction of a socio-hydrosystem from the Upper Pleistocene to the present day
Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00