Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Youth category: The soil key

La Clé des Sols is a collective work coordinated by Sophie Cornu, soil scientist, research director at INRAé, based at CEREGE in Aix-en-Provence. The texts were written by pupils from CM2 and 6e classes and the illustrations were created by these same pupils, as well as those from CE1 and CM1 classes from schools in Marseille.

MAYA Editions

At an exhibition on floors, Mathilde, looking for an idea for her creative project, meets a modern artist whose installations amaze her. While she had never paid attention to it, what lay under her feet suddenly seemed fascinating! Armed with this discovery, she decides to set off in search of soils all over the world to study them: she takes along her two best friends and, of course, her notebook, which never leaves her side. But such an undertaking is not easy when you are only twelve years old...