Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00
The ED 251 doctoral school is organising a back-to-school meeting for doctoral students on **Tuesday 05 December 2023**.
This meeting will take place face-to-face at 2 locations:
- at Saint-Charles**, in the LAVOISIER amphitheatre, from 10am to 12pm
- at Arbois**, in the CEREGE amphitheatre (Bâtiment Pasteur) from 2pm to 4pm
This meeting - **open to all but compulsory for 1st year doctoral students** **and those who have not yet attended** - will provide you and your supervisors with some very useful information (procedures, electronic registration, thesis management, training courses, individual monitoring committee, publications, electronic defence and jury composition rules, etc.) and you are strongly encouraged to attend.
**You can attend either one (morning or afternoon) as long as the content is the same **.