Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences


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Major Seminar: Lora Stevens, California State University

CEREGE : Amphithéâtre Pasteur CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence

"Exploring the drivers of past monsoon variability in SE Asia" Southeast Asia occupies a nexus between three major branches of the Asian monsoon system. Distribution of proxy sites in SE [...]

Seminar William Zylberman, Beak Consultants GmbH

Technopôle de l'Arbois Aix-en-Provence

"Examples of numerical and AI applications in Geosciences with the ®advangeo software" Abstract: Today, software designed by [...]

Special Seminar: Christine Vallet-Coulomb (CEREGE)

Room 205 Pasteur Building CEREGE Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence

"Climate variability and water resources as seen by stable isotopes of water (18O, 2H, 17O-excess)" This seminar is part of the seminar series for candidates for the position of [...].