Technopole Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée
BP 80 13545 Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 13 94 91 00
9.00-9.30: Welcome of participants
9:30-9:40 Presentation of CEREGE and OSU Pytheas
9:40-10:20 Where are the faults? The contribution of high resolution imagery to seismic hazard, Magali RizzaLecturer, CEREGE1, ECCOREV2 and ITEM3, OSU Institut Pythéas, Aix Marseille University.
10:20-11:00 Asteroid impact craters on Earth: what probability, what damage, how to find them? Pierre RochetteUniversity Professor, CEREGE1, UFR ALLSH, Aix Marseille University.
11:00-11:40 The risks of torrential flooding, the case of 2 and 3 October 2020 in the Alpes Maritimes, Claude Vella Senior Lecturer, CEREGE1, OSU Institut Pythéas, Aix Marseille University.
11h40-12h20 Characterisation and quantification of surface processes by cosmonuclides, Régis Braucher, researcher, CEREGE1, UFR ALLSH, Aix Marseille University.
12.20-13.40 Lunch
13h40-14h10 Visit of ASTER (ASTER-CEREGE isotope geochemistry platform), Régis Braucher**,** researcher, CEREGE1, UFR ALLSH, Aix Marseille University.
14h10-16h45 Flood risk in the Arc river basin: The Arbois Europole, Duranne land use planning and flood risk management works. Claude VellaCEREGE1, OSU Institut Pythéas, Aix Marseille University.