Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

AMU ranked 4th French university in new international rankings

Aix-Marseille University ranked 4th French university in Earth Sciences in the new international rankings for 2024!

The largest multidisciplinary university in the French-speaking world, Aix-Marseille University (AMU) is home to 80,000 students and nearly 8,000 staff on 5 major campuses that meet international standards. The university owns 90 % of its own property and is present in 9 towns in 4 départements in the South of France.

The A*Midex University Foundation, which is the driving force behind the IDEX, is helping to develop a world-class interdisciplinary higher education and research cluster. Known as a "research-intensive university", it is home to 122 research structures linked to major national research bodies, such as CEREGE.

The 3rd edition of ranking of the best universities in the discipline of Earth Science relies os data derived from various data sources including OpenAlex and CrossRef. The bibliometric data for devising the citation-based metrics were collected on 21-11-2023. Position in the ranking is based on a sum of D-indexes (Discipline H-index) of all ranking scientist's affiliated with a given institution. D-index includes exclusively papers and citation metrics for an examined discipline.
