Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

31st Congress of the Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences

The 31ème congress of the Environmental Sciences doctoral school will be held on 16 and 17 May 2024 at CEREGE (Centre de Recherche et d'Enseignement en Géosciences de l'Environnement) on the Arbois-Méditerranée campus (Aix-en-Provence) in the amphitheatre of the Pasteur building (see Access).

Participation in the ED251 conference at least once during their thesis is compulsory for all doctoral students, and gives them the opportunity to meet and present their research work. This conference will be run by the current and former doctoral students of ED 251 as well as the guest speakers. This meeting is an opportunity to appreciate the diversity and richness of the fields of study offered by the Environmental Sciences doctoral school. To find out more about ED 251 and its laboratories : Fields covered by the doctoral school.

The conference programme and the booklet are available in the Organization.

For information on how to register and submit an abstract, see the tab Registration and submission.

