Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences
Research and teaching centre
environmental geosciences

Geological outings with Peri Lithon for Masters students

This year, on 24 June 2023, following the STPE Master's exams and to mark the end of the academic year, the Péri Lithon association (accompanied by P. Léonide from CEREGE) organised a kayak trip in the Brusc lagoon to observe a Posidonia sedimentary system under heavy anthropogenic pressure.

PERI LITHON is the association for student geologists at AMU. Every year, the association organises a wide range of geology and environmental discovery activities, from geological outings in the Calanques to visits to wineries and diving and kayaking trips, as shown in these photos. The association regularly organises get-togethers over a drink to forge links between students and people who share a passion for rocks.